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235 High St, Bromley BR1 1NZ

Dental Implants in Bromley

Enhanced Chewing Function | Secure Oral Restoration | Natural-Looking Teeth | Long-lasting Solution

Enhanced Chewing Function | Secure Oral Restoration | Natural-Looking Teeth | Long-lasting Solution

Welcome to Shmile - The Trusted Dental Clinic

Dental Implants in Bromley

Revive Your Smile: Restoring Lost Teeth with Dental Implants

Dental implants provide a reliable solution for replacing missing teeth. They provide a long-lasting, dependable tooth replacement option, improving eating ability, aesthetics and a gap free smile

Our Dentists and Technicians Work closely to Create Your Perfect Dental Restoration

Dental Implants in Bromley

*Our technicians actual work

Dental Implants in Bromley

It's never too late to get started on your dental restoration

Dental Implants in Bromley

It's never too late to get started on your dental restoration

Free Consultation

Free Treatment Plan

Free Xray

Free Gum Check

We Use High Quality Neodent Implants in Bromley

Neodent straumann implants bromley

*Fully refundable £25 deposit required on booking

Let's close the gaps.
Book a free no-obligation consultation

*Fully refundable £25 deposit required on booking

Book to discuss your options

*Fully refundable £25 deposit required on booking

Discover Your Dental Implant Options and Rediscover Your Smile

Single Dental Implant

Dental ImplantsBbromley
Read more on single dental implants

While dental implants are a highly successful tooth replacement option, not everyone is a candidate. During your consultation we will evaluate factors such as your overall health, jawbone density, and gum health to determine if you are eligible for the procedure.

Single Dental Implant

From £1,900

or From £168.83/Month*
(*12 months 0% finance)

From £2,100

or From £168.83/Month*
(*12 months 0% finance)

Single Dental Implants
Read more on single dental implants

While dental implants are a highly successful tooth replacement option, not everyone is a candidate. During your consultation we will evaluate factors such as your overall health, jawbone density, and gum health to determine if you are eligible for the procedure.

A Shmile Dental Implant Includes:

From £2,100

or From £168.83/Month*
(*12 months 0% finance)

From £2,100

or From £168.83/Month*
(*12 months 0% finance)

Dental Bridge Implants

Dental Implants in Bromley
Read more on Dental Bridge Implants

Multiple dental implants and dental bridge implants are effective solutions for replacing larger gaps. In cases where three adjacent teeth are missing, two dental implants can be placed to support a 3-unit bridge. This bridge is carefully designed to match the appearance of your existing teeth, ensuring a seamless and natural-looking smile.

Dental Bridge Implants

2 implants + 3 unit bridge:
From £5,200

or From £500/Month*
(*12 months 0% finance)

Example: 2 implants and 3 unit bridge:
From £6,000

or From £500/Month*
(*12 months 0% finance)

Dental Bridge Implants
Read more on Dental Bridge Implants

Multiple dental implants and dental bridge implants are effective solutions for replacing larger gaps. In cases where three adjacent teeth are missing, two dental implants can be placed to support a 3-unit bridge. This bridge is carefully designed to match the appearance of your existing teeth, ensuring a seamless and natural-looking smile.

A Shmile Dental Bridge Implant Includes:

Example: 2 implants and 3 unit bridge: From £6,000

or From £500/Month*
(*12 months 0% finance)

Example: 2 implants and 3 unit bridge:
From £6,000

or From £500/Month*
(*12 months 0% finance)

Implant Retained Denture

denture implants Bromley Kent
Read more on Implant Retained Dentures

Denture implants, also known as permanent dentures, offer an exceptional alternative to conventional removable dentures. Custom-made to fit your mouth perfectly, denture implants provide stability and comfort. Unlike traditional dentures, they are securely anchored to dental implants. If you are looking for a more stable and aesthetically pleasing solution to replace your dentures, these implant-supported dentures are an ideal choice.

Implant Retained Denture

Lower Jaw: From £8,300
Upper Jaw: From £10,300

From £8,500/Arch

or From £458.33/Month*
(*12 months 0% finance)

From £5,500/Arch

or From £458.33/Month*
(*12 months 0% finance)

Implant Retained Dentures
Read more on Implant Retained Dentures

Denture implants, also known as permanent dentures, offer an exceptional alternative to conventional removable dentures. Custom-made to fit your mouth perfectly, denture implants provide stability and comfort. Unlike traditional dentures, they are securely anchored to dental implants. If you are looking for a more stable and aesthetically pleasing solution to replace your dentures, these implant-supported dentures are an ideal choice.

A Shmile Implant Reatined Denture Includes:

From £5,500/Arch

or From £458.33/Month*
(*12 months 0% finance)

From £5,500/Arch

or From £458.33/Month*
(*12 months 0% finance)

Full Mouth All-on-4 / 6 Implants

teeth in a day Implants Bromley
Read more on Full Mouth Implants

Full mouth implants, including the all-on-4 and all-on-6 implants, are comprehensive treatments designed to replace multiple or all missing teeth. By utilising 4 to 6 strategically placed implants, a dental bridge is secured to each jaw, offering excellent stability and functionality.

One of the major benefits of this approach is that patients do not have to endure the discomfort of being without teeth during any stage of the treatment, as the process is completed in just a single day.

Additionally, this treatment is also possible for patients with insufficient jaw bone, as the implants can be placed in areas with better bone density.

Full Mouth All-on-4 / 6 Implants

From £12,500/Arch

From £12,500/Arch

Full Mouth Implants / Same Day Teeth
Read more on Full Mouth Implants

Full mouth implants, including the all-on-4 and all-on-6 implants, are comprehensive treatments designed to replace multiple or all missing teeth. By utilising 4 to 6 strategically placed implants, a dental bridge is secured to each jaw, offering excellent stability and functionality.

One of the major benefits of this approach is that patients do not have to endure the discomfort of being without teeth during any stage of the treatment, as the process is completed in just a single day.

Additionally, this treatment is also possible for patients with insufficient jaw bone, as the implants can be placed in areas with better bone density.

A Shmile Full Mouth Restoration Includes:

From £12,500/Arch

From £12,500/Arch

We always start with a CBCT

For your dental implants in Bromley a CBCT scan (cone-beam CT scan) is vital for planning dental implants. It creates detailed 3D images of your jawbone, teeth, and surrounding areas. Unlike standard X-rays, CBCT scans:

  • Assess bone health: They show bone density and volume in 3D, helping dentists decide if your jaw can support implants and choose the right size and placement.
  • Identify risks: They reveal nerves and blood vessels, allowing dentists to avoid them during surgery and minimise complications.
  • Plan precisely: The 3D data allows for accurate implant placement planning, ensuring long-term success and function.

Further considerations that we will discuss with you

Sinus Lifts

Sinus lifts, are specific procedures used in dental implantology to address insufficient bone height in the upper jaw, particularly in the posterior region.

When teeth are lost in the back of the upper jaw, the sinus cavity may expand, leaving a reduced amount of bone for implant placement. During a sinus graft, the sinus membrane is gently lifted, and bone graft material is inserted into the space between the jawbone and the sinus floor.

This procedure helps to create a solid foundation for dental implants by providing adequate bone support.

Bone Grafts

Bone grafts, where required, are used to increase the jawbone’s volume and density.

Insufficient bone in the jaw can result from tooth loss, periodontal disease, or other factors. Bone grafting involves adding bone material, either from the patient’s own body (autograft), a donor source (allograft), or synthetic substitutes (alloplastic grafts), to the affected area.

The added bone material stimulates new bone growth, creating a more stable and supportive environment for dental implants, ensuring the long-term success of dental implants.

Further considerations that we will discuss with you

Sinus Lifts

Sinus lifts, are specific procedures used in dental implantology to address insufficient bone height in the upper jaw, particularly in the posterior region.

When teeth are lost in the back of the upper jaw, the sinus cavity may expand, leaving a reduced amount of bone for implant placement. During a sinus graft, the sinus membrane is gently lifted, and bone graft material is inserted into the space between the jawbone and the sinus floor.

This procedure helps to create a solid foundation for dental implants by providing adequate bone support.

Bone Grafts

Bone grafts, where required, are used to increase the jawbone’s volume and density.

Insufficient bone in the jaw can result from tooth loss, periodontal disease, or other factors. Bone grafting involves adding bone material, either from the patient’s own body (autograft), a donor source (allograft), or synthetic substitutes (alloplastic grafts), to the affected area.

The added bone material stimulates new bone growth, creating a more stable and supportive environment for dental implants, ensuring the long-term success of dental implants.

Sinus Lifts

Sinus lifts, are specific procedures used in dental implantology to address insufficient bone height in the upper jaw, particularly in the posterior region.
When teeth are lost in the back of the upper jaw, the sinus cavity may expand, leaving a reduced amount of bone for implant placement. During a sinus graft, the sinus membrane is gently lifted, and bone graft material is inserted into the space between the jawbone and the sinus floor.
This procedure helps to create a solid foundation for dental implants by providing adequate bone support.

Bone Grafts

Bone grafts, where required, are used to increase the jawbone's volume and density.
Insufficient bone in the jaw can result from tooth loss, periodontal disease, or other factors. Bone grafting involves adding bone material, either from the patient's own body (autograft), a donor source (allograft), or synthetic substitutes (alloplastic grafts), to the affected area.
The added bone material stimulates new bone growth, creating a more stable and supportive environment for dental implants, ensuring the long-term success of dental implants.

Sinus Lifts

Sinus lifts, are specific procedures used in dental implantology to address insufficient bone height in the upper jaw, particularly in the posterior region. When teeth are lost in the back of the upper jaw, the sinus cavity may expand, leaving a reduced amount of bone for implant placement. During a sinus graft, the sinus membrane is gently lifted, and bone graft material is inserted into the space between the jawbone and the sinus floor. This procedure helps to create a solid foundation for dental implants by providing adequate bone support. Sinus grafts are essential in cases where patients require dental implants but lack the necessary bone volume in the upper jaw.

Bone Grafts

Bone grafts are common procedures used in dental implant treatment to augment the jawbone's volume and density. Insufficient bone mass in the jaw can result from tooth loss, periodontal disease, or other factors. Bone grafting involves adding bone material, either from the patient's own body (autograft), a donor source (allograft), or synthetic substitutes (alloplastic grafts), to the affected area. This added bone material stimulates new bone growth, creating a more stable and supportive environment for dental implants. Bone grafts are essential for ensuring the long-term success of dental implants, as they help overcome bone deficiencies and provide a solid foundation for implant placement.

Let's close the gaps.
Book a free no-obligation consultation

*Fully refundable £25 deposit required on booking

Speak to us today about having dental implants in Bromley

Speak to us today
we are sure we can help

Why is there a difference in dental implant prices?

The variation in dental implant prices can be attributed to several factors.

The cost may differ depending on the type of dental implant used, with various materials and designs available.

Furthermore, the overall complexity of the case, including the need for additional procedures such as bone grafting, can influence the total cost.

The expertise and experience of the dental surgeon performing the procedure can impact the price. Based on this some dentists may decide to charge higher fees for their services.

It is important to remember that dental implants are a long-term investment in your oral health and overall well-being. While price is a significant consideration, it is equally important to prioritise the quality of care and the expertise of the dentists when making your decision.

Book a free consultation or a second opinion at Shmile Dental Clinic, so our dentist can help you understand the factors affecting the cost and determine the best treatment plan for your specific needs and budget.

Full Dental Implants Bromley
Dental Implants Bromley Shmile

Why is there a difference in dental implant prices?

The variation in dental implant prices can be attributed to several factors.

The cost may differ depending on the type of dental implant used, with various materials and designs available.

Furthermore, the overall complexity of the case, including the need for additional procedures such as bone grafting, can influence the total cost.

The expertise and experience of the dental surgeon performing the procedure can impact the price. Based on this some dentists may decide to charge higher fees for their services.

It is important to remember that dental implants are a long-term investment in your oral health and overall well-being. While price is a significant consideration, it is equally important to prioritise the quality of care and the expertise of the dentists when making your decision.

Book a free consultation or a second opinion at Shmile Dental Clinic, so our dentist can help you understand the factors affecting the cost and determine the best treatment plan for your specific needs and budget.

Our Dentists and Technicians Work closely to Create Your Perfect Dental Restoration

Dental Implants in Bromley

*Our technicians actual work

Meet your Implant Dentist in Bromley

Dr. Nuria Salido Iniesta

GDC No: 239070

Dr Nuria is a highly skilled implantologist with a Masters’ degree in Implantology and Oral Surgery and brings a wealth of expertise and knowledge to Shmile Dental Clinic.

Dental Implants FAQ

Are dental implants suitable for everyone?

While dental implants are a highly successful tooth replacement option, not everyone is a candidate. During your consultation we will evaluate factors such as your overall health, jawbone density, and gum health to determine if you are eligible for the procedure.

Why do dental implants have a 'from' price?

The “from price” for dental implants shows the cost of the procedure if there are not complications or if there are for example no bone grafts or sinus lift required. We hope that the “from price” helps patients get a general idea of potential costs, but it’s important to note that individual cases can differ. During your consultation, we will evaluate your unique needs and provide a personalised treatment plan with an accurate price.

Is the dental implant procedure painful?

Dental implants are normally placed under local anesthesia, ensuring you feel little to no pain during the procedure. Afterward, some discomfort may be experienced, and our dentists will advise you on any medication if required.

Will I need a CBCT scan for dental implant placement?

Yes, a Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) scan is commonly used for dental implant planning. It provides detailed 3D images of the jawbone and surrounding structures, enabling precise placement of the implants and minimies the risk of complications.

What is a bone graft, and why might I need on?

A bone graft is a procedure where synthetic or natural bone material is added to the jawbone to increase its volume and density. It is necessary when the jawbone lacks sufficient strength or thickness to support dental implants. Bone grafts enhance the success and longevity of the implant procedure.

Can I get a second opinion before getting dental implants?

Seeking a second opinion is a prudent step before undergoing any significant dental procedure, including dental implants. It allows you to gain different perspectives on your treatment options, ensuring you make an informed decision about your oral health.

Dental Implants FAQ

Are dental implants suitable for everyone?

While dental implants are a highly successful tooth replacement option, not everyone is a candidate. During your consultation we will evaluate factors such as your overall health, jawbone density, and gum health to determine if you are eligible for the procedure.

Why do dental implants have a 'from' price?

The “from price” for dental implants shows the cost of the procedure if there are not complications or if there are for example no bone grafts or sinus lift required. We hope that the “from price” helps patients get a general idea of potential costs, but it’s important to note that individual cases can differ. During your consultation, we will evaluate your unique needs and provide a personalised treatment plan with an accurate price.

Is the dental implant procedure painful?

Dental implants are normally placed under local anesthesia, ensuring you feel little to no pain during the procedure. Afterward, some discomfort may be experienced, and our dentists will advise you on any medication if required.

Will I need a CBCT scan for dental implant placement?

Yes, a Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) scan is commonly used for dental implant planning. It provides detailed 3D images of the jawbone and surrounding structures, enabling precise placement of the implants and minimies the risk of complications.

What is a bone graft, and why might I need one for?

A bone graft is a procedure where synthetic or natural bone material is added to the jawbone to increase its volume and density. It is necessary when the jawbone lacks sufficient strength or thickness to support dental implants. Bone grafts enhance the success and longevity of the implant procedure.

Can I get a second opinion before getting dental implants?

Seeking a second opinion is a prudent step before undergoing any significant dental procedure, including dental implants. It allows you to gain different perspectives on your treatment options, ensuring you make an informed decision about your oral health.

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